PPM Gold


Mango Squash Syrup

PPM Gold Mango Squash Syrup contains Vitamins A, E, and B5, as well as potassium, manganese, and magnesium. It is high in polyphenols, which are plant components that function as antioxidants in our bodies. Mango enthusiasts can add 1-2 spoons of mango to their milk to increase the flavour. It can also be utilised to generate a higher level of taste by combining it with soda, water, and lassi.


750 ml

Mango Squash Syrup

PPM Gold Mango Squash Syrup contains Vitamins A, E, and B5, as well as potassium, manganese, and magnesium. It is high in polyphenols, which are plant components that function as antioxidants in our bodies. Mango enthusiasts can add 1-2 spoons of mango to their milk to increase the flavour. It can also be utilised to generate a higher level of taste by combining it with soda, water, and lassi.


750 ml

Lemon Syrup

PPM Gold Lemon Syrup is nature’s best summer cooler, and its distinct, time-honoured composition will relax you. With a twist on the traditional summer lemonade, it’s a pleasant and healthful drink packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants. This classic summer drink will revitalise your soul while also relaxing your body and mind.


750 ml

Orange Syrup

PPM Gold Orange Syrup, which uses only the best components. It is expertly made and flavor-infused with natural ingredients. It offers a practical and reliable way to serve a delectable cocktail beverage. It is a syrup that is not alcoholic and can be used with anything. This syrup gives you a perfect flavour balance and consistently smooth texture. It has a gorgeous colour, an authentic citrus flavour, and a mild foreign aroma. Enjoy it as a mocktail on its own or combine it with any other beverage.

750 ml


Orange Syrup

PPM Gold Orange Syrup, which uses only the best components. It is expertly made and flavor-infused with natural ingredients. It offers a practical and reliable way to serve a delectable cocktail beverage. It is a syrup that is not alcoholic and can be used with anything. This syrup gives you a perfect flavour balance and consistently smooth texture. It has a gorgeous colour, an authentic citrus flavour, and a mild foreign aroma. Enjoy it as a mocktail on its own or combine it with any other beverage.

750 ml


Fresh Rose Syrup

PPM Gold Rose Syrup is prepared with the highest quality components. It has been expertly prepared and is infused with natural flavours. It offers a convenient and consistent way to serve a superb cocktail drink. It is a non-alcoholic syrup that can be blended with anything. This syrup has a consistently smooth texture and a well-balanced flavour profile. It has a genuine sweet flavour, a lovely colour, and a subtle exotic aroma. You can drink it straight as a mocktail or mix it with any other drink.


750 ml

Brahmi Badam Syrup

A fruit-filled, welcoming punch like PPM Gold Brahmi Badam Syrup is the ideal treat on a hot day. It has long been the nation’s preferred beverage.


750 ml

Brahmi Badam Syrup

A fruit-filled, welcoming punch like PPM Gold Brahmi Badam Syrup is the ideal treat on a hot day. It has long been the nation’s preferred beverage.


750 ml

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