PPM Gold


Apricot Jam

PPM Gold Apricot Jam is an artisanal jam prepared from Himachal’s specialty fruit. This nutritious spread is made from hand-picked, sun-ripened apricots, which give it a pleasant, fresh flavour. The jam makes an excellent breakfast spread and goes well with fresh scones and cream.


500g and 1kg

Apricot Jam

PPM Gold Apricot Jam is an artisanal jam prepared from Himachal’s specialty fruit. This nutritious spread is made from hand-picked, sun-ripened apricots, which give it a pleasant, fresh flavour. The jam makes an excellent breakfast spread and goes well with fresh scones and cream.


500g and 1kg

Plum Jam

PPM Gold Plum Jam is created with Himachal’s freshest plums.
With its deep red colour and sweet and sour flavour, it goes well with ice cream, yoghurt, freshly cooked Dosas, or even rolled into a Roti as an evening snack.


500g and 1kg

Mixed Fruit

PPM Gold Mixed Fruit Jam combines all of your favourite fruits. A combination of flavours from eight fruits, including banana, papaya, apple, pear, pineapple, mango, grape, and orange, blended into a mouth-watering jam. PPM Gold jam is the best jam since it has the goodness of your favourite eight fruits. PPM Gold Mixed Fruit Jam pairs well with bread to create a tasty on-the-go breakfast for your child every morning. Consider different ways to consume it. Spread it on a crunchy cracker, wrap it in a chapatti, sip it with milk, or make a bread and jam pleasure for your kids’ morning with a variety of flavours.


500g and 1kg

Mixed Fruit

PPM Gold Mixed Fruit Jam combines all of your favourite fruits. A combination of flavours from eight fruits, including banana, papaya, apple, pear, pineapple, mango, grape, and orange, blended into a mouth-watering jam. PPM Gold jam is the best jam since it has the goodness of your favourite eight fruits. PPM Gold Mixed Fruit Jam pairs well with bread to create a tasty on-the-go breakfast for your child every morning. Consider different ways to consume it. Spread it on a crunchy cracker, wrap it in a chapatti, sip it with milk, or make a bread and jam pleasure for your kids’ morning with a variety of flavours.


500g and 1kg

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