PPM Gold


Garlic Paste

Customers who prefer to add a little extra garlic to their food but don’t have the time to cope with the laborious peeling process can use garlic paste instead. The paste’s granular appearance guarantees the ideal consistency for gravy recipes. The pre-made paste not only expedites food preparation but also combines easily to give the dish an exceptional flavour.



Garlic Paste

Customers who prefer to add a little extra garlic to their food but don’t have the time to cope with the laborious peeling process can use garlic paste instead. The paste’s granular appearance guarantees the ideal consistency for gravy recipes. The pre-made paste not only expedites food preparation but also combines easily to give the dish an exceptional flavour.



Ginger Garlic Paste

PPM Gold Ginger Garlic Paste is a dense, granular paste that has undergone minimal human intervention. This greatly reduces the amount of time needed for cooking and preparation. PPM Gold Garlic Ginger. It is a popular addition to a variety of Indian, Chinese, and continental dishes of your choosing due to its aroma and flavour.



Ginger Paste

PPM Gold Ginger paste is a variation made specifically for persons who don’t like garlic and who are looking for an easy way to prepare recipes that call for ginger rather than garlic. This paste, which has the flavour and texture of freshly grated ginger, gives the dish the desired flavour and texture while reducing prep time.



Ginger Paste

PPM Gold Ginger paste is a variation made specifically for persons who don’t like garlic and who are looking for an easy way to prepare recipes that call for ginger rather than garlic. This paste, which has the flavour and texture of freshly grated ginger, gives the dish the desired flavour and texture while reducing prep time.



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